"God saves the best for last, and the best is yet to come." -Pastor Oly
Waiting has its rewards but sometimes one cannot help but feel tired. More than being tired, one may feel hopeless that the wait is never gonna bear good fruits. Rather, the time one spent waiting is considered time wasted.
But as I listened to Pastor Oly last Sunday I realized the value of waiting. That good things comes to those who wait. That in moments you feel that time is being wasted on waiting, and not acting or doing something, you should pray and trust God that what He wants will be done.
Thus, my second favorite verse,
Hebrew 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and being certain of what we do not see."
In the movie Facing The Giants, Mr. Bridges told Grant Taylor a parable of two farmers who prayed to God for rain. But only one prepared his fields for it. Mr. Bridges asked, "Who do you think deserved and got the rain he prayed for?" Grant replied, "Of course, the farmer who prepared his fields."
No matter how long I have to wait, I am assured that what I'm wairting for will come.
And, yes, God, I am preparing for rain.
Lots of it.