Monday, April 18, 2011

The New Coffee Shop

Confession: I used to go to The Gym. Not because I enjoy it but because I fear that my genes or my lifestyle will get the better of me one of these days. Same reason why I don't smoke--It's not because I super care about the environment but because I know it'll become the death of me.

Anyway, the gym thing did not work well for me because:

1. Most gyms, or at least the one I used to go to, are full of men. Yeah, we hear countless women complain about their figures, their flaws and flabs but it is the men who are actually concerned about their health and their figures...or physique (or whatever sounds manly to you. haha). Some women thrive in an atmosphere reeking of testosterone but I don't.

2. I beefed up not toned down. Contrary to popular belief that gyms, or doing the exercises, lifts, etc that the gym trainers tell you to, will make you lose weight or be slimmer, gyms are perfect for people who wants to beef up. Those people who're born skinny as a stick are ideal gym-goers. Those who're born fat, or has big bone structure, should maintain a proper diet first before going to the gym to tone down.

3. Gyms are the new coffee shops. People go there not because they want coffee or really want to work out but because they want to socialize or be sosyal. Bleh.

and some other petty reasons. So I kissed gym-going goodbye and took up sports instead.

Recently, I've become a big fan of the Thought Catalog. The articles are funny, witty, and downright true. One of the more relate-able ones is this, an article on People You Tend to Find at the Gym. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) for me, I only met four out of the ten people the author listed. To this list, I want to add, from my brief gym-going experience:

11. The Cool Soccer Mom who wants to be fit, stay healthy and keep her husband from cheating, or get/seduce him back.
12. The Recently Retired Man/Woman who's looking for ways to spend his/her pension money and stay healthy.
13.  The Woman Who is this near to getting surgical treatments but is either: )1) still saving up for the big Operation or having second thoughts.


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