Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dear Astronaut Food

Jonathan Lethem on "astronaut food":

"Stuff in little packets that you keep lying on the shelf. Everyone has some lying around. Or, the person you imagine you might be with but you know you never really will be. The people who if you're in a relationship but you're a little bored or restless you meet them for coffee a lot and the other half in the relationship isn't really thrilled about it. Or if you're single, they're the people you're keeping on a mental list just so you don't feel like there aren't any possibilities. Friends who are more than friends but really, they are friends.(You Don't Love Me Yet)


Though people sense it at a certain level that they're your astronaut food, nobody wants to be told. Because, in a way, it bursts the bubble of thrill. Sometimes people act like they're only an astronaut food but really has hopes of something better/more. Because of the fear of rejection that in one way/degree or another, I think, we all have.

Only if everyone agrees that they're mutual astronaut food.

So to everyone who feels they are someone else's Astronaut Food, let me advise you. If you feel that you are somebody else's astronaut food, be nice to that person. He/She needs you but time, circumstances and hindrances prevent them from making you more than their astronaut food. These factors mentioned, most of the time, control this person's actions. He/She maybe helpless, and afraid to get out of the four walls of safety he/she have secured himself/herself in. Please understand that being someone's astronaut food does not make you any less important. If anything, it only means you can't be eaten (we're talking about food anyway) regularly. But you are loved, you are appreciated, you are neededYou being someone's astronaut food may appear to be a selfish decision but understand that it is not. Finally, let me remind you, dear astronaut food, the minute you sense you are someone's astronaut food, please don't deprive that person of your presence, your smile, your company. It is all that he/she is asking.

This is why I love allusions and metaphors.

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