Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Surprises, Ironies and Coincidences

My eldest sister (she's the only sister I have, by the way) has been bugging me for ages to blog about her. This interest of hers in what I think of her was started by the blog I wrote on my mom. My sister felt that she "deserves" the same, well, compliment.

I've never written anything about my sister, really. Because I belive there's not much to write about (haha) or I don't think about her that often.

Ate, since you're graduating this March (you should, of course!), I'm writing about you, finally.

Just as I was wallowing myself in self-pity (i.e. ranting to myself how freaking weak I am in terms of "expression", figuratively-speaking), my sister gets hold-upped (?) for the second time. (This happened last week, I think.)

What was surprising about this, then, if its the second time? Answers: 1) She has been hold-up-free for three-sems-in-a-row, and 2) she thought that she was going to graduate from such "fates" as well; 3) she was utterly clueless (she didn't whip out her phone and texted away, like she always does); 4) her, ehem, companion had a relatively new (read: expensive) phone; and 5) she was ironically asking for a new-er one upon graduation.

Flashback: My sister, whose name is Jane by the way, when compared to me and my younger brothers, is the most materialistic. I'm not saying she's dense or whatever. I'm just saying that she gets attached to things too much. To cite an example, she keeps all her English and Science (her favorite subjects, apparently) notebooks from Grade Three to college! She's that sentimental. To add, she keeps (or kept) a whole bouquet of roses instead of just one petal or a stalk; she keeps all the letters and notes she has received since her first letter, whether random or important, she keeps them all.

So I know that when she loses something, even just a hanky, she gets pained. I often spite her because of this "attachment" but she just dismisses me with a sarcastic "Nye."

And just as she was retelling the New Hold-Up Story (hehe) for the nth time, she started "devising" theories or observations to explain the occurrence of the incident, and answer the age-old question "Why me?". Her most "credible" theory is that: All the phones that my father gave her for her birthday gets stolen or robbed. My counter-theory: She gets robbed or hold-upped when she's with a guy. I mean, she's always with someone but in both situations, she's with a guy, ehem, companion. Talk about coincidence.

To say that she was affected with the "demise" of her phone is an understatement. This incident sort of "triggered" the other fears she have been feeling and trying to fight, within herself. Coincidence? I think not. God wanted her to realize that such material things are, well, immaterial because they come and go; they lose or depreciate in value.

To cut a long and emotional story short (haha, sorry Ate), she was, um, rocked to her core. She started feeling down and started asking us (my mom and me) why she is always the victim of such harsh crimes even if she prays, a lot. The talk even reached to the point that she didn't want to walk on stage anymore when she graduates.

Being the positive-thinker that my mom is, she told Ate that she should rather be thankful that no further harm was done. She wasn't hurt, scathed or worse killed. But still, my sister is bothered. Add to her existing woes, she's a little worried with the upcoming nursing board exams. Yes, it is still months away. But as early as January, I think, she has been worried. She's afraid to fail, literally and figuratively. She is afraid to fail the exams, and in turn, fail my parents and relatives, and a whole lot of people who expects a lot from her. (You know being panganay and all.)

But, Ate, failing is not entirely failure. In fact, it strengthens one's character. And if you do fail, though with God's grace you won't, Mama and the whole family is here to support you, defend you. Even Limboy.

I'll stop before it gets mushier.

I'll end this by quoting a passage from Hebrews 11, "Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see." Have faith that with God's grace and your hardwork, you will pass. Not only this exam (and others as well) but other more important, harder tests in life.

And I do hope you'll realize that you are, in more ways than one, blessed.

(Happy graduation, Ate. Love you. Naks naman, mushy.)

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