Saturday, March 8, 2008

Of the many things I learned from Socio...

the lesson last Thursday was the one made me say, "Aray," and kept me thinking about it, and of me, days after. Even up to now.

It is highly unusual for me to remember a thing, moreso a lesson, until weekend. Yes I am GC, according to lots of people, and masipag to the point that makes others envious or "hate" me, but I rarely value/ponder on an "academic" bit of information if not needed.

But my Socio professor, as usual, got me thinking. Our class under him is every Thursdays from 5:30-8:30 pm.Yes, PM. Still, he keeps me awake all thoughout the whole thing. As in, three hours straight. If that's not enough to convince how good he is, he discusses things that are about Sociology but in the end you realize that you're thinking of yourself. Reflection time.

So. What exactly did I "learn"?

In the world of postmodernism, we should accept and adapt to every new thing that comes our way. Because if we don't, the world won't wait for us. That in these changing times, we need to accept (and not judge) an individual by the character he chooses to "pose" or project to the society because that's what he wants. And no explanation should be asked, or be given. Since everything's postmodern
To those who don't know/observe it yet, my friends say that I am homophobic. I always have this comment on gays, in particular. Gay classmates, gay strangers, gay celebs, gay teachers, guys that I think are gay, and so on. I have this so-called fixation on judging whether this guy (usually from school) is gay or not. Whether he has both feet dangling over the edge, or just half. As if being gay was like falling off a cliff. And I get a thrill (?) upon knowing that the guy I believe to be gay is, in fact, gay. It's like hearing my brain go chi-ching! (like a cash register) upon every confirmation. It's an addition, I feel, to my prominence as a gay-guessing-individual, and I feel my gay-predicting skills improved with every guess proved right. I pride myself on having awesome gaydar.

My Socio professor's parting words to the class, as he ended, hit me. Every word. I realized that I shouldn't have these comments and what-nots on gay guys, and homosexuals in general. That I should stop being pseudo-conservative. And just accept. Accept that the world and society is changing, and if I don't learn to accept these changes, they wouldn't wait for me. I'd be left rotting in a place (with all my conservative/traditonal views) where everyone has passed, and gone forward.

Losing my qualms, reservations and homophobia (if I really have one) is hard. As always, I rely on time to help me. And for God to make me a better, non-judgmental individual that he wants me to be.

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